Realistic Roadmaps

In today’s buzzword-infested landscape, we offer clear and practical guidance on how you can reduce cyber-related risk in ways that are actually achievable. 

Need a clear path forward? That's where we can help.

vizius realistic roadmap cybersecurity

Our various roadmap services are designed to guide businesses from their current level of protection and preparedness to one more consistent with specific business goals. Our roadmaps are “realistic” because they highlight the real threats your business is facing, while providing you with actionable steps on how to address these threats.

Our roadmaps can take the form of anything from a customized project plan that your team can implement to active and ongoing collaboration with one of our principals to guarantee success with several shades of engagement in between.


We offer a straightforward path to significantly reducing your cyber-related business risks through our tailored “Roadmap” services, guiding you from your current security posture to one that aligns with your goals and real threats, all while prioritizing practicality and cost-effectiveness. Our approach, grounded in industry standards and real-world risk assessments, delivers clear, actionable advice without the sales pitch, ensuring your cybersecurity journey supports both your security and business growth.

All our Roadmaps have the following characteristics in common:

We begin by aligning our assessments to standards that make sense for your business. We ensure our recommendations, whether tied to CIS Top 18, NIST, SOC2, or another framework, are relevant and actionable. We aim to help you understand your cybersecurity maturity level and how it measures against industry best practices.

Our pragmatic approach involves prioritizing risks based on real-world scenarios. We simulate the mindset of an attacker to identify the most pressing vulnerabilities in your systems. This allows us to focus on the areas that would be leveraged if your defenses were tested, ensuring that your resources are allocated effectively to mitigate genuine threats.
We provide clear and realistic cost estimates for remediation activities. Our recommendations are designed to give you a transparent understanding of the investment required to enhance your cybersecurity posture. We believe in providing the information you need to make informed decisions about your cybersecurity investments.

Our recommendations stand on their merit, with no artificial ties back to our services, and we don’t sell any products. We present you with unbiased advice that serves your best interests. Whether or not you engage our Expert Implementation services, you can trust that our Realistic Roadmaps are crafted to provide value and guide your business toward a more secure future.

In partnership with Vizius, embark on a cybersecurity journey that is as realistic and achievable as necessary. Let’s build a roadmap that secures your business and supports its growth and success.

Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) Services

Our vCISO service provides small to medium-sized businesses with cost-effective, executive-level cybersecurity leadership, tailored to enhance business goals and manage risks without the overhead of a full-time hire. By bridging the gap between technical security and business strategy, our seasoned vCISOs deliver comprehensive risk management and strategic guidance, ensuring your cybersecurity measures are a catalyst for growth and resilience.

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, small to medium-sized businesses face the daunting task of navigating complex security, privacy, risk, and compliance issues. Our vCISO service offers a cost-effective and right-sized solution to this challenge, providing experienced cybersecurity executive leadership tailored to your company’s unique needs.

Our vCISO service is designed to foster a partnership that prioritizes your business objectives. We understand the importance of avoiding “kingdom building” and instead focus on expert collaboration and strategic guidance. Our vCISOs are seasoned professionals who bridge the gap between cybersecurity and business, ensuring that security measures support and enhance your business goals.

Our vCISOs bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to your executive team, offering insights and strategies to navigate the complex world of cybersecurity. They are adept at translating technical risks into business impacts, enabling informed decision-making that aligns with your company’s risk appetite and business objectives.

Engaging a vCISO eliminates the need for a full-time executive salary while providing access to top-tier cybersecurity expertise. Our vCISOs deliver executive-level knowledge and accountability, scaling their involvement to match your specific business needs. This approach ensures that you receive the right level of support without the financial burden of a full-time hire.
Our vCISOs excel in identifying and mitigating risks that could threaten your business. They conduct thorough assessments, aligning with standards such as CIS Top 18, NIST, and SOC2, to benchmark your preparedness against cybercrime. They also provide strategic roadmaps to enhance your cybersecurity posture, ensuring your defenses are robust and resilient.

We recognize that cybersecurity is not an end but a means to protect and enable your business. Our vCISOs work closely with you to understand your business processes, goals, and challenges. They ensure cybersecurity strategies protect your company and support its market growth and success.

Our vCISO offering is essential for businesses seeking to strengthen their cybersecurity without compromising business agility and growth. By partnering with us, you gain a trusted advisor to ensure your cybersecurity efforts are practical and aligned with your business priorities.

Policy and Procedure Creation Services

Vizius specializes in creating practical, implementable policies and procedures tailored to your business’s unique regulatory and compliance needs, supporting a range of industries from healthcare to technology. Our approach ensures your policies are not only compliant but also aligned with your business objectives, offering ongoing support as regulations evolve.

Launching new initiatives in the dynamic business world often challenges navigating complex regulatory and compliance landscapes. At Vizius, we specialize in crafting tailored policies and procedures that meet regulatory requirements and are practical and implementable for your team. Our services are designed to support HR and Compliance officers and other business executives across various industries, including healthcare, finance, technology, and manufacturing.

Our approach begins with a deep understanding of your business initiatives and the specific regulatory or compliance frameworks you must adhere to. Whether GDPR for data protection, HIPAA for healthcare privacy, or SOC2 for technology service providers, we have the expertise to guide you through the maze of regulations. We aim to ensure that your policies and procedures are compliant and aligned with your business objectives and operational realities.
We recognize that every business is unique, with its own set of challenges and requirements. Our highly customizable services ensure that the policies and procedures we develop are appropriately sized for your company. We strive to strike the perfect balance between adhering to best practices and creating practical and easy documentation for your team to implement.
Our team of experts works closely with you to ensure that the policies and procedures we develop are compliant and practical. We focus on creating clear, concise, actionable documents your team can easily follow. We aim to provide you with policies and procedures that not only meet regulatory requirements but also enhance your operational efficiency and risk management practices.

Understanding that the regulatory landscape is ever-evolving, we offer ongoing support to ensure your policies and procedures remain up-to-date and compliant. Our team is always on hand to help you navigate any changes in regulations or to adjust your documentation as your business grows and evolves.

Launching new initiatives in today’s regulatory environment requires careful planning and expert guidance. We can provide you with policy and procedure creation services that are not only compliant but also practical and tailored to your specific needs. Let us help you navigate the complexities of regulatory and compliance requirements so you can focus on growing your business with confidence.

Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery

Vizius streamlines Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery planning, reducing effort by 80% with our proprietary processes, ensuring your business can swiftly respond to disruptions with simplified, effective plans. Our approach is designed for busy executives, focusing on practicality and efficiency to prepare your team for real-world scenarios without the traditional time and resource drain.
At Vizius, we understand that as a COO or CEO, ensuring your business’s resilience is paramount. Yet, finding the time and resources to develop a comprehensive Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BC/DR) plan can be daunting. That’s why we’ve created a suite of BC/DR services that are demonstrably effective and more streamlined and efficient than traditional implementations.

Our proprietary Business Impact Analysis (BIA) process is the cornerstone of our BC/DR services. We’ve refined our approach to reduce the level of effort required by almost 80% compared to other processes. This means you can quickly identify critical business functions and the potential impact of disruptions without the extensive downtime and resource allocation typically associated with BIAs.

We believe that simplicity is key to effectiveness. Our approach to business continuity planning cuts through the complexity and focuses on what’s truly important for your business. Our simplified plans are designed to be easily understood and executed by your team, ensuring that you can respond swiftly and effectively in the event of a disruption.
A plan is only as good as its execution. That’s why we emphasize practical testing and validation processes. Our streamlined approach ensures that your team can regularly test and validate your BC/DR plans without the excessive time and resource commitment often required. This hands-on experience is crucial for identifying potential issues and ensuring your team is prepared for real-world scenarios.

We’re committed to helping you confidently check Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery off your “to-do” list. Our efficient and effective services are tailored to meet the needs of busy executives like you, providing peace of mind that your business is prepared for the unexpected. Let us help you protect your company’s future with a BC/DR plan that’s both robust and realistic.

Vizius Viewpoint

Our roadmaps provide a clear path to realistic, cost-effective cybersecurity solutions that are tailored to the specific needs and goals of each business.

How Do I Get Started?



Arrange a free consultation with one of our Principal Engineers (PEs). Our PEs have decades of experience speaking to business leaders about technology risk. We will take the time to understand your business before we do anything else. Once we see what your needs are, we’ll create a clear and simple assessment proposal for you to consider.



Our assessment process is thorough but painless. We will conduct short, high-level interviews with various business stakeholders, conduct deep-dives with members of the technology team and run several technical discovery tools.



Our reports present a prioritized list of findings and recommendations. We start with an executive summary that addresses the key takeaways in a “bumper sticker” format. Each assessment also has a detailed findings and recommendation document that maps to the CIS standard, notes the risk associated with it and includes detailed instructions on how to fix the problem.



Finally, each assessment contains a roadmap for implementation. The roadmap provides a prioritized list of projects, grouped by subject area, that will serve as a remediation plan for the next 12-18 months. We can help, but only if you want us to.

Request a Call

Imagine if you could talk with one of our Principal Engineers (PEs) about the risks you’re facing – without worrying about getting spammed or being added to a never-ending sales cycle. You can. Just complete the form, and we’ll reach out to arrange a time that’s good for you.