Continuity Framework
You could be as little as 45 days away from a fully functional Business Continuity Program.
Move your Business Continuity task from ‘To-Do’ into the ‘Done‘ column by using our free toolkit and roadmap.
Business Continuity in a Box

There are a ton of great resources that tell you what kind of Business Continuity Plan you should build, its essential components, etc. Our favorite example of this type of resource is the NIST publication 800-34.
Where we felt we could help is by creating a set of pre-built tools to facilitate the essential components of the process. Tools that include:
- A graphical process flowchart
- A process overview document
- A ‘draft’ business continuity and disaster recovery policy
- A systemized process to inventory your systems and assign risk scores to each
- A step-by-step Business Impact Analysis process, including written, ready to distribute ‘workshop’ meeting agendas, together with pre-formatted spreadsheets to capture workshop output
- Auto-generated system risk remediation plans
- A pre-written Business Continuity Plan you can use as a template
6 Distinct Phrases
Some of Which can be Executed in Parallel
This process consists of 6 distinct phases, some of which can be executed in parallel.
- Discovery – A multi-pronged, technical discovery process of all local and IaaS system assets.
- System Risk Analysis – Quantify risk and risk mitigation factors for each system for a composite system risk score via our spreadsheet template.
- Business Impact Analysis – Workshop templates and spreadsheeets to quantify business processes and impact, dependent technologies trickle-down importantence to the business.
- System Remediation Plans – Generate delta reports for systems that highlight the difference between the importnace of the system vs the risks identified previously.
- Validation Plans – Quantify backup validation plans for systems prioritized by tier.
- Generate BC Plan – Load the information collected above into the BC Plan template provided.
What, exactly, are you giving away?
We’ve put together a complete ‘business continuity toolkit’ – with one (of many) possible approaches to implementing a sustainable BC program in a small to medium-sized enterprise client.
This process is explained by a flowchart and accompanying text document.
Each part of the process has pre-built templates in Word or Excel that you can use and modify as needed to implement your own:
- BC/DR Policy
- System posture assessment
- Business Impact Analysis, and
- Business Continuity Plan
What does this 'give away' mean?
We’re making these documents available via our github account under a modified creative commons license.
You are free to download all of the documents, modify and use them at will for non-commercial purposes as long as you retain attribution to the source. If you want to offer services around them, we have various license models available.
This still looks like a lot of work!
This is, in ideal circumstances, a 45 calendar day project when we do it for a mid-sized company and have full cooperation from all stakeholders. It is a lot of work.
However, we think many companies are familiar with the alternative, the one where business continuity is the ‘strategic objective’ that never seems to get done.
We’ve done our best to strip this process to the bare essentials for a small to medium-sized enterprise organization and make it doable in a reasonable timeframe. There are much faster ways to get this done for smaller companies but we find that the general outline provided here can still provide some valuable guardrails.
If we do it ourselves, can we get help?
You can chat with us on Teams or LinkedIn, send us an e-mail or give us a call. We’ll consider setting up a Discord channel if we get enough interest.
Can we get you guys to do it for us?
We do this as a fixed price project based on the size and complexity of your company. That means that you engage us, participate in the process and get a fully functional business continuity program when we are finished. We’ll participate on your first validation test and table-top exercise to make sure that your team has what they need to own the process moving forward.
Where can I get it?
Where do I start?
Download and read the ‘Flowchart‘ and the ‘Process Overview‘ documents first. These should give you a good idea for where to begin the process.